People around you might be used to sharing a number of reasons and facts about smoking. Some of you might have already decided not to smoke ever in your life, but wait. It is really that easy. No it is not. Quitting smoking is one thing while only planning for it is quite another. There is a big difference between the two which most of us do not understand. When the body once adopts to nicotine consumption, then you might fail to live without a cigarette. No matter how hard some people might try, they simply can’t quit this nasty habit. There is no end to the studies which have confirmed that smoking reduces your age with each cigarette you consume. Well, there is a lot more to it. There are some studies which have also confirmed that smoking might lead to obesity, sexual disturbances and information processing problems. Yes, whether you like it or not, smoking can reduce your problem solving abilities. Now here, some of you might argue that some of the most intelligent people in the world used to smoke. But the reality is that they had the intelligence genes inside their blood. It was not the cigarettes that made them a genius, but rather their own cognitive abilities. If that would have been the case, then each idiot in this world would have been a genius simply by taking up smoking. With this said, here are the 5 bizarre reasons and facts for not smoking.